3D digital construction progress tracking software. Any time. Any place.

Managing construction projects is a challenging job. And it’s not made any easier today with increasingly shorter deadlines and growing pressure to wrap up projects better and quicker than ever before! Umdasch Group Ventures has developed an innovative 3D system that digitally recognises progress on construction sites. This provides construction managers with new opportunities to monitor and increase efficiency, while also making day-to-day operations on the construction site easier.

The future starts now:
3D digital construction progress tracking software

You’ve probably already heard of AI-based cameras, or computer vision systems that recognise physical objects and people. Umdasch Group Ventures has developed a 3D construction progress tracking system – based on these digital technologies – which is set to revolutionise construction site operations.

This state-of-the-art solution, which is still in the prototype stage, uses AI to recognise physical objects and people, and identify their location, providing construction managers and foremen with additional insights. The position of people and physical objects is also determined by the 3D computer vision system. This enables construction progress, processes and procedures to be monitored and recorded almost in real time, which allows you to respond to situations rapidly when needed. Furthermore, you can use the tool to analyse and optimise completed processes for future projects.

Full overview

Instant overview of all construction projects


No additional training required to monitor processes on construction sites

Rapid recognition

Recognises and localises physical objects and people wherever they are on site

Seamless synchronisation

Automatically compares construction progress with the BIM model

3D computer vision system. New perspectives. New opportunities.

The 3D AI-based computer vision system developed by Umdasch Group Ventures to recognise progress on construction sites not only detects physical objects and people on the site, but also delivers valuable information about their location, thanks to innovative 3D technology. This tool is able to identify which formwork is in which stage of the works process, for example. No matter where they are, construction managers and foremen receive almost real-time information about the construction progress in the 3D digital BIM model, allowing them to respond to a situation immediately if needed. All images, which are taken automatically by the camera, are stored centrally in the system, providing valuable additional information for your site records. The 3D computer vision system developed by Umdasch Group Ventures is another key step towards the modularisation, digitalisation and automation of your construction sites.

Live view
including privacy zone and anonymisation

Object recognition

3D BIM model
showing current construction progress


Would you like further details about the innovative 3D AI-based computer vision system developed by Umdasch Group Ventures? Would you like to find out how you can tap into this potential for your construction projects? If so, send us a quick mail! We are always happy to offer help and advice.

Install once. Monitor forever. The solution for managing Construction 4.0.

Comprehensive data protection-compliant monitoring

  • Cameras on the crane ensure that the entire site is fully monitored throughout the construction phase of the building shell.
  • Public areas are pixelated to ensure that personal privacy rights and data protection are respected at all times. Artificial intelligence (AI) is used to anonymise people as soon as these are filmed.

Instant recognition and analysis

  • AI analyses and recognises people and pre-determined physical objects on the construction site instantly, enabling you to respond to situations immediately or carry out an analysis of completed processes for future optimisation. The software can be adapted in line with your specific needs.
  • Construction processes – such as the erection of a wall using concrete formwork – are recorded by 3D computer vision intelligence using a unique stereo camera system and the data gathered is transmitted automatically to the BIM model.

See current progress. From anywhere

  • The live view provides you with a picture of the current situation, without you having to go on site. Your 3D building model is automatically updated with the latest construction progress data.

Install once. Monitor forever. The solution for managing Construction 4.0.

Comprehensive data protection-compliant monitoring

  • Cameras on the crane ensure that the entire site is fully monitored throughout the construction phase of the building shell.
  • Public areas are pixelated to ensure that personal privacy rights and data protection are respected at all times. Artificial intelligence (AI) is used to anonymise people as soon as these are filmed.

Instant recognition and analysis

  • AI analyses and recognises people and pre-determined physical objects on the construction site instantly, enabling you to respond to situations immediately or carry out an analysis of completed processes for future optimisation. The software can be adapted in line with your specific needs.
  • Construction processes – such as the erection of a wall using concrete formwork – are recorded by 3D computer vision intelligence using a unique stereo camera system and the data gathered is transmitted automatically to the BIM model.

See current progress. From anywhere

  • The live view provides you with a picture of the current situation, without you having to go on site. Your 3D building model is automatically updated with the latest construction progress data.

Construction progress recognition brings the following benefits for construction site managers:

  • a comprehensive, live overview of the shell construction – without having to go on site

  • clear information about construction progress transferred instantly to the 3D building model

  • dynamic information about pre-defined events on the construction site

  • access to a comprehensive image archive

  • analysis of individual production steps and number of labourers involved in each step

  • Information on the timing of individual construction phases

Application: construction progress tracking

Keep on the ball!

A construction manager, who usually manages several projects in different locations, relies on having an overview of current progress on each specific construction site. Our system provides construction managers with almost real-time information about the progress of the shell construction, enabling a rapid response to resolve any critical situation.

Keep yourself informed!

Stored data allows completed production steps to be analysed at a later date. The tool does not identify which labourer worked on which production step, but it can determine how many labourers were involved in which task. This enables the optimisation of internal processes, which brings a clear competitive advantage.

Keep up to date!

Software updates mean that the system can be adapted and enhanced in line with your needs. In other words, the system can be continually optimised by training the AI to recognise new objects, such as the arrival of deliveries, e.g. concrete lorries, allowing information to be sent automatically to the corresponding team on site.

Download our flyer

Further information about our new construction progress tracking software can be found in our latest flyer.

3D digital construction progress tracking at bauma 2022

Get in touch

Umdasch Group Ventures GmbH
Josef Umdasch Platz 1
3300 Amstetten Austria
T +43 7472 605 – 0
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